
Butt, A. H., Rovini, E., Fujita, H., Maremmani, C., & Cavallo, F. (2020). Data-driven models for objective grading improvement of Parkinson’s disease. Annals of Biomedical Engineering48, 2976-2987. View at publisher

Mancioppi, G., Fiorini, L., Rovini, E., Zeghari, R., Gros, A., Manera, V., ... & Cavallo, F. (2020). How dominant hand dexterity could help in characterizing different grades of cognitive decline: A motor and cognitive dual‐task study. Alzheimer's & Dementia16, e042645. View at publisher

Manera, V., Galperti, G., Rovini, E., Zeghari, R., Mancioppi, G., Fiorini, L., ... & Gros, A. (2020). Developing non‐invasive, objective assessment tools for social apathy in neurocognitive disorders: The role of action kinematics: Developing topics. Alzheimer's & Dementia16, e047204. View at publisher

Dantas, C., Machado, N., Ortet, S., Leandro, F., Burnard, M., Grünloh, C., ... & Pocs, M. (2020). The Iterative Model of Ethical Analysis for Large-Scale Implementation of ICT Solutions. Translational Medicine@ UniSa23, 1. View at publisher

Fortunati, L., Cavallo, F., & Sarrica, M. (2020). Multiple communication roles in human–robot interactions in public space. International Journal of Social Robotics12(4), 931-944. View at publisher

Fiorini, L., Tabeau, K., D’Onofrio, G., Coviello, L., De Mul, M., Sancarlo, D., ... & Cavallo, F. (2020). Co-creation of an assistive robot for independent living: Lessons learned on robot design. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)14, 491-502. View at publisher

Rovini, E., Maremmani, C., & Cavallo, F. (2020). A wearable system to objectify assessment of motor tasks for supporting parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Sensors20(9), 2630. View at publisher

Kim, J., Cauli, N., Vicente, P., Damas, B., Bernardino, A., Santos-Victor, J., & Cavallo, F. (2020). Cleaning tasks knowledge transfer between heterogeneous robots: a deep learning approach. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems98, 191-205. View at publisher

Sorrentino, A., Cavallo, F., & Fiorini, L. (2020). A plug and play transparent communication layer for cloud robotics architectures. Robotics9(1), 17. View at publisher

Fiorini, L., Mancioppi, G., Semeraro, F., Fujita, H., & Cavallo, F. (2020). Unsupervised emotional state classification through physiological parameters for social robotics applications. Knowledge-Based Systems190, 105217. View at publisher

Ferenčík, N., Jaščur, M., Bundzel, M., & Cavallo, F. (2020). The rehapiano—detecting, measuring, and analyzing action tremor using strain gauges. Sensors20(3), 663. View at publisher


Fiorini, L., Rovini, E., D’Onofrio, G., Russo, S., Ciccone, F., Giuliani, F., ... & Cavallo, F. (2020, December). Personalized Integrated Care for Frail Seniors Within the Pharaon Project: The Italian Pilot Site. In Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 50-72). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Nocentini, O., Kim, J., & Cavallo, F. (2020, December). Preliminary Studies of a Model for a Robot that Creates an Interactive Communication with Elderly People to Satisfy Their Clothing Item Requests. In Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 73-84). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Sorrentino, A., Radi, L., Cavallo, F., Becchimanzi, C., Pistolesi, M., Tosi, F., ... & Fiorini, L. (2020, December). Design and Development of a Telepresence and Monitoring Service to Empower the Older Adults. In Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 18-36). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Esposito, A., Amorese, T., Cuciniello, M., Cavallo, F., Vinciarelli, A., & Cordasco, G. (2020, December). Comparing middle-aged and seniors’ preferences toward virtual agents and android robots: is there a generational shift in assistive technologies’ preferences?. In Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 85-101). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Loizzo, F. G., Fiorini, L., Sorrentino, A., Di Nuovo, A., Rovini, E., & Cavallo, F. (2020, December). Combined Vision and Wearable System for Daily Activity Recognition. In Italian Forum of Ambient Assisted Living (pp. 216-234). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Fiorini, L., Mancioppi, G., Becchimanzi, C., Sorrentino, A., Pistolesi, M., Tosi, F., & Cavallo, F. (2020, August). Multidimensional evaluation of telepresence robot: results from a field trial. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 1211-1216). IEEE.

Sorrentino, A., Fiorini, L., Fabbricotti, I., Sancarlo, D., Ciccone, F., & Cavallo, F. (2020, August). Exploring Human attitude during Human-Robot Interaction. In 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 195-200). IEEE.

Mancioppi, G., Fiorini, L., Rovini, E., Zeghari, R., Gros, A., Manera, V., ... & Cavallo, F. (2020, July). How dominant hand and foot dexterity may reveal dementia onset: A motor and cognitive dual-task study. In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 5619-5622). IEEE.

Rovini, E., Galperti, G., Fiorini, L., Mancioppi, G., Manera, V., & Cavallo, F. (2020, July). SensRing, a novel wearable ring-shaped device for objective analysis of reachto-grasp movements. In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 4020-4023). IEEE.

Cavallo, F., Rovini, E., Dolciotti, C., Radi, L., Della Ragione, R., Bongioanni, P., & Fiorini, L. (2020, July). Physiological response to Vibro-Acoustic stimulation in healthy subjects: A preliminary study. In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 5921-5924). IEEE.

Butt, A. H., Cavallo, F., Maremmani, C., & Rovini, E. (2020, July). Biomechanical parameters assessment for the classification of Parkinson disease using bidirectional long short-term memory. In 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 5761-5764). IEEE.


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